LX 2000 Citrus water soluble concentrate 500ml ( 16oz ) Sprayer ( Ready – To – Use ) 52316
Made from the natural sources of Oranges and Biodegradable surfactants.
Highest purity
Dilute with water from 2:1, all the way up to 100:1.
Non toxic
Non flammable
Non corrosive
Non abrasive
Effective on oil, Tar, Adhesives, Grease, Ink, Counter tops and sinks.
CFIA letter of no objection issued
A versatile natural concentrated cleaner/degreaser.
This wonder product will tackle just about any cleaning task without high acidic or caustic precautions.
A robust cleaner for difficult cleaning tasks with the added strength of Orange oil to clean and neutralize odors.
Category: Cleaner / Degreasers